
Careful stewardship on the land that makes up the Hawkins Estate is essential for its long-term sustainability.

Caring for the Environment

Careful stewardship of the land that makes up the Hawkins Estate is essential for its long-term sustainability.

Our farms benefit from wide field margins; well-maintained hedgerows, woodland and water courses and careful planting of new trees and hedging, all of which encourage greater biodiversity across our estate.  

Many of the margins and ‘corners’ of our fields are not cultivated but instead planted with specific bird-friendly mixes or wildflower plants in order to encourage insects, particularly bees. The grand scale of our orchards gives us much more freedom to create space for wildlife and utilise it in a more effective manner.  We work with specialist advisers to ensure that our farms are doing as much as they can to enhance biodiversity and preserve the landscape character of this beautiful part of England.

Caring for the Environment

Wonderful Woodlands

Our farms are dotted with important and historic woodland plantations which require careful management.  

We have a tree management plan which includes a programme of clear-felling diseased ash and careful, selective thinning. This work is followed by replanting with oak and mixed native species which will help secure a better long-term and nature-friendly future.


Safety first

The health and safety of our teams and the communities where we work is paramount to us. 

Whether it’s for those who work on the estate, visit our farms, live in our properties or simply walk the footpaths and bridleways that criss-cross the Estate. We make sure all our teams are regularly briefed and kept up-to-date with the latest safety guidance information and pride ourselves that our paths and rights of way are well maintained and kept in good order.